Above all else, being completely honest with yourself is vital to staying sober, with or without AA. If you’re in denial that you have a drinking problem and don’t fully believe that it’s something that needs to be fixed, nothing in the world is going to change your alcohol addiction. Of course, quitting or cutting back to your ideal amount is only the first step. Many people struggle with alcohol cravings for months or even years after quitting, and there are many pitfalls to overcome, including post-acute withdrawal syndrome.

  • Though AA may be the most well-known solution for alcohol abuse, it is far from the only one.
  • Supportive relationships and social networks are an incredibly important aspect of alcohol recovery that can make a world of difference in your journey towards a…
  • All that matters is that it’s a group of individuals you feel comfortable enough sharing your struggles with and can relate to.
  • However, for those who don’t really vibe with it, it’s important to know that’s okay too.
  • It is abstinence-focused, and designed to be compatible with a variety of other treatment resources.
  • HAMS is a peer-led group that provides support and information to those who want to change their drinking habits.
  • My company, Workit Health, has offers online, science-backed courses to help you beat alcoholism, all from your computer or phone.

Also, with the exception of online rehab, these programs can be very disruptive to work and family life. Finally, many residential and outpatient programs are based on 12 step philosophy. If this perspective is a reason you want to stop drinking without AA, these won’t be suitable.

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Journaling is also an effective tool to maintain focus during emotionally challenging periods by recording daily reflections, coping strategies, and purposeful gratitude lists. Moderation Management (MM) is very different than many other recovery and support groups in that it doesn’t require complete abstinence to be a member. Instead, MM focuses on helping people to manage problematic drinking and behaviors that are destructive, aiding in encouraging positive lifestyle changes.

get sober without aa

Recovery isn’t a one-size-fits-all situation and even though there are a lot of people around the world who swear by Alcoholics Anonymous, that doesn’t mean it’s for everyone. In summary, when it comes to how to quit drinking without AA, there are many options and many effective paths. You can look for alternative groups with perspectives closer to your own. There are also non-group-based options, such as medication-assisted treatment, traditional rehab centers, and online alcohol programs. You can even try quitting on your own if you expect only minor withdrawal symptoms.

How to Get Sober Without AA: Why That May Be the Best Option for You

Even though some people may try to make me think again about my decision to stay completely sober, I’m not going to change my mind. I am content with the choices I make and feel that those who don’t understand don’t need to. Even though they don’t force me to drink, backhanded comments like that feel like a violation of respect. https://ecosoberhouse.com/ I feel like they should respect my choices without trying to convince me that I would be better off making the choice they are — especially when it comes from friends and family. By Buddy T

Buddy T is a writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism.

get sober without aa

Building a structured daily routine provides stability and reduces the chances of relapse. I hung around NA for a week or two, never really embracing their demanding path to recovery. Use words especially when going through difficult moments and you will find peace within your heart. Always talk positive on your social media profiles or home. This means you write when happy, sad, frustrated, agitated or worried.

The Role of Sober Living in Long-Term Sobriety

There are a variety of confidential, free, and no obligation ways to get in contact with us to learn more about treatment. You should also consider joining support groups outside of AA. This can offer get sober without aa additional perspectives and a sense of camaraderie. Methadone kept me from getting sick in the morning, so I never had to take unnecessary risks to make money and ward off heroin withdrawal.

  • Whether or not you are interested in a spiritual program, finding something to live for (other than booze) can motivate your recovery.
  • Also, there are various platforms, social media groups, chat rooms among other sites.
  • When you are feeling depressed and anxious, you are more likely to relapse.
  • If a certain setting makes you want to drink, you need to resolutely avoid it.

Meetings typically begin with an introduction and check-in period where members can help to set the agenda for that day based on any pressing issues. If there aren’t any specific topics that come up during check-in, the facilitator will likely have a prepared topic to discuss and work through with the group. The bulk of the meeting is taken up by the working time, where the group works through one of the four program points, using some of the program’s provided tools and techniques. There is usually a donation plate passed around at some point, as the groups are self-sustaining and require donations to function.

Either way, if you find yourself avoiding AA because you don’t want to quit drinking completely, this is a good solution to look into—and there are many ways to access it. Secular Organizations for Sobriety (SOS) is a network of independent groups to help people achieve or maintain sobriety. It’s another strong option for those looking for secular alternatives to AA meetings. There are advantages to the 12 step method, and many people experience success with it.

MM is a peer-support program that acknowledges that behaviors are changeable, and that alcohol abuse (which differs from dependence) is a habit that can be altered. Silver Pines and Steps to Recovery have provided addiction recovery programs in Pennsylvania for over a decade with detox, residential, outpatient, and sober living services. Last year, we expanded our services to include robust mental health services, new locations, and specialized services for our nation’s veterans with more to come this year! We’ll delve into understanding sober living programs and their crucial role in maintaining your newfound sobriety. We also discuss detoxification’s importance and how mental health awareness plays an integral part in successfully quitting drinking. SMART Recovery concepts help individuals to recognize that alcohol abuse can be destructive, and it creates problems emotionally, physically, socially, and behaviorally.